Global Research
QuadReal’s global investment strategy is deeply researched, taking the best ideas from globally located and experienced research teams to enhance the performance of the programs in every marketplace where we invest or consider investing.
We aim to deliver prudent growth and strong investment returns by focusing on our key pillars of service and management: performance and growth. Our in-house team works closely with local and regional colleagues to determine how we will invest, focusing on established hubs and emerging cities with high potential that reflect our areas of conviction.
This approach has enabled us to grow our portfolios and enhance their vitality, while delivering on our commitment to enhance the lives and workplaces of the people and communities we serve.
Areas of Conviction
Through our research and experience, we have identified areas of conviction that create portfolios resilient to fluctuating economic conditions and receptive to innovation.
In addition to being the foundation of our investment strategy, these areas of conviction also drive the long-term collaborations we establish with programmatic partners and operating companies.